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Welcome to the family.



Whether this is your first piano lesson, or you have taken lessons before, rest assured that each lesson is always tailored specifically to the student. Our curriculum focuses on many aspects of artistry, including creativity, expression and sensitivity, while also focusing on discipline, focus, tenacity and analysis, all while using a variety of learning strategies. Three core books are used, which include a Lesson, Theory and Technique book. Lessons are tailored to promote success and celebrate achievement, all while developing incredible musicianship, even with the youngest of students. Not only does our curriculum teach musical essentials, it encourages students’ enthusiasm for music, empowers artistic expression and celebrates achievements. In addition to core books, we use modern technology and supplemental materials to promote practice and to motivate students. Most importantly, our lessons are FUN! We love music, and hope you will too.

Royal Conservatory of Music Piano Examinations

The Royal Conservatory of Music Certificate Program is considered the worlds finest program of music study and assessment. The program encompasses repertoire, etudes, sight reading, theory and technique, which promotes a well rounded musical training. This program includes a sequence of music study and assessment, beginning with the Preparatory Level(s), followed by Levels 1-10. At each level, students can participate in examinations, and may earn a certificate of achievement by successfully completing a Royal Conservatory of Music examination. Teacher and Owner, Danielle, has studied the Royal Conservatory of Music repertoire throughout her life, and has been trained as a Teacher by the Royal Conservatory of Music. This program is not mandatory, but students may be recommended to this program as they progress in their lessons. For new students, an assessment is required to pursue this program.


Whether you like to sing in the shower, or you are working on an audition piece, rest assured that each lesson is always tailored specifically to the student. Our curriculum focuses on many aspects of vocal technique, including vocal health, breath control, intonation, range development, sight singing and performance. Age and ability appropriate repertoire will be chosen by the student and the teacher, which can include all genres (Disney, Pop, Country, etc.). We use core books that teach the Tonic Sol-Fa method, which is one of the most useful and effective learning tools, especially for young singers. The Tonic Sol-Fa method and learning by rote (ear) helps singers develop confidence and encourages artistry. Voice students will also learn how to read music, which assists in developing total musicianship as well as a passion for music. Your teacher will always accompany you on the piano, and adjust the key of songs to perfectly fit your voice.

Danielle Davis, P.h.D Candidate, M.A., B.P.S

Meet the Teacher


Main Money

A unique program only available at The Main Conservatory of Music Inc., that promotes practice and rewards students for their hard work and dedication. 

The more students practice, the more MAIN MONEY they can earn to spend in THE MAIN SHOP! Rewards change often, but may include games, toys, arts & crafts, and even gift cards!

“Magical is not too strong a word for a child’s connection to music; there is extraordinary receptivity and lively creativity in young minds, and the results can be enchanting. Think of how small children often make up songs all day long, musicalizing their own experience and the world around them… Everyone is delighted to be around such freedom of spirit, and in that sense a child’s connection to music is magical.

— William Westney



515 Main Street, Studio 8

Glen Williams, Ontario, L7G 3S9

We are located in the Williams Mill. Please park in the lower lot, and look for the bright yellow door.

905-965-6246 (MAIN)

The studio is closed for summer vacation from June 24 - September 5. Our phone lines are not monitored during this time. Please use the contact form below to get in touch!

Contact us.

We’d love to get to know you, and answer any questions you may have.